Post by RehdBlob on Aug 26, 2009 7:37:15 GMT -6
So, with text file editing in MPC, one can apparently use negative tempos. Just type in a - in front of the number, and load the file. The tempo will be negative. Tempos of 0-98 are also possible, though the range isn't very useful
I found that negative tempos seem to have an effect like dickspeed, except without tempo gaps (or it's a really huge one), as a tempo of, say, -2 is equal to a tempo of -4000 when playing the file. These tempos play at a positive tempo of something over 5000 (or over NINE THOUSAND!!)
Someone who needs really epic dickspeed (Friedfischer?) could use this.
"My song is so fast that the tempo is negative!"
This also means that 0 is a breaking point in tempo gaps, as -1 to 0 is a pretty big change in tempo.
Post by Rusty on Aug 26, 2009 9:56:01 GMT -6
Cool discovery. I might make use of this sometime. I've been getting pretty lucky where all of the 5001 tempo songs I've been doing fit the actual songs tempo lately, but if I ever decide to start back on Starfox - Main Theme, this might be useful to see if I can get closer to the actual tempo.
Sitting on a swing with my Katamari ♥
Posts: 1,305
Post by bally on Aug 26, 2009 17:44:02 GMT -6
*runs away to AMS*
Post by RehdBlob on Aug 29, 2009 15:40:07 GMT -6
So, apparently, for MPC, 60000 is the "max" tempo, though any negative tempo (-60000 to -1) is faster than 60000.
This makes MPC's range -60000 to 60000, excluding 0, which doesn't work.
Post by phazonelite on Aug 29, 2009 19:01:24 GMT -6
Nice find, although I don't know anyone who that would need negative tempos....except for Rehd.
Post by Rusty on Aug 29, 2009 20:06:59 GMT -6
The tempos might be good for emulating sound effects, such as the groans in FF9, and other ones from different songs.
Post by JohnFreeman on Aug 29, 2009 22:30:42 GMT -6
Have you tested -0? Might as well, just for good measure.
Post by RehdBlob on Aug 30, 2009 1:27:02 GMT -6
-0 causes an error, I'm sorry to say... As do "lol" and "xxx"
Zoroark fanatic
Posts: 973
Post by Cat on Aug 30, 2009 11:28:46 GMT -6
I have no idea why anyone would need a tempo that high as one page is less than a second long. Also, try setting the tempo to 60,000, then pressing the + button. It goes to -5535.
Post by Theultimatezoralink on Sept 1, 2009 18:50:35 GMT -6
lol causes an error?